Cookie statement
1. Neways Electronics International N.V.
This is the cookie statement of Neways Electronics International N.V., a public company with limited liability incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands with statutory seat in Eindhoven and its registered office at Science Park Eindhoven 5010, 5692 EA Son, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 17036989 (‘Neways’).
When you visit the website of Neways, cookies may be placed on the device you use. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from our website and stored on your device while you are visiting our website or browsing the internet.
2. Cookies
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file which is stored on your computer or mobile device by the web server during your visit to this website. Cookies cannot harm your computer or files. They allow the Website to store information and are used to improve the user experience, for example to store preferences.
Functional Cookies. The website of Neways uses functional cookies. These are cookies that are essential for the website to perform in a correct manner and can therefore be placed without your express consent. These cookies remember your personal preferences, for instance in which country you are visiting the website, and therefore in which language, but also your earlier approval or disapproval of the placement of (other types of) cookies.
Analytical Cookies. The website of Neways also uses analytical cookies. These cookies collect information about you as a visitor of the website. This information enables Neways to analyse how you and other visitors use our website, in order to improve the website and its content. Analytical cookies can be placed without your express consent, if they have minimal consequences for your privacy.
Neways uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. It uses cookies to help analyze how visitors use the website. For example it records the number of visitors and tells Neways about their overall behavior, such as the typical duration of a visit to the website or the number of pages a user views on average. In order to prevent further usage of personal data of our visitors by Google Inc., we took a number of additional privacy enhancing measures:
- we signed a ‘Data Processing Amendment’ with Google Inc., stating that Google Inc. will only act as a processor of data
- we configured Google Analytics settings in a way that no analytics data is shared with Google Inc.
- we enabled IP Masking in order to anonymize IP addresses of website visitors send to Google Inc.
With Google Analytics, it is only possible for Neways to analyze anonymous, aggregated information. However, if you would prefer us not to collect any analytics information during your visit, you can easily opt-out Google Analytics for websites you visit using the following link.
More information on Google Analytics privacy policy can be found here.
Marketing Cookies. Neways does not place marketing cookies directly via its website. It is however possible, that third party content on our website does (such as videos originating from YouTube or Vimeo). If that is the case, we advise you to inform yourself via the cookie policy or statement of that specific website.
3. Removal
There are cookies that delete themselves when you close the web browser, such as session cookies. There are also cookies that remain active until they expire or are actively deleted. You can delete cookies yourself via your web browser. It depends on the web browser you use how to delete cookies. For a detailed explanation, please visit the website of the ‘Consumentenbond’:
4. Reservations
Neways reserves the right to modify this cookie statement unilaterally, in which case the old cookie statement will be automatically replaced by the new one. Neways therefore asks you to review this cookie statement on a regular basis.
This version is dated 29 April 2022.
Neways Electronics International N.V.
Science Park Eindhoven 5010, 5692 EA Son
P.O. 69, 5690 AB Son
Phone: + 31 40 267 92 00